I joined TandonHildebrand a month ago today. When I joined, I felt a mixture of emotions, mostly excitement and nervousness, as I left the City, time recording, chargeable hours and prescriptive holiday entitlement and working hours, behind me.
My first month at TandonHildebrand has exceeded all my expectations. I am able to manage my time as is best for me and there is no ‘face time’ culture here – if I am done with my work for the day at 4.30 I leave, completely guilt-free.
My exposure to a variety of interesting work and clients has been unparalleled: I’ve already been seconded to a client, attended Tribunal and am assisting in managing an international project, all in the span of a month. TandonHildebrand’s philosophy of investing in people, rather than numbers, means I am working with people who are genuinely invested in developing my career and skills; I am learning all the time.
While all of the above has been fantastic, nothing compares to not recording time. I have found that this has allowed me to focus on producing the best quality of work possible for our clients and not be constantly ‘clock watching.’ For example, I was undertaking a ‘small’ piece of research for a client – had I been time recording, I wouldn’t have given myself more than an hour and a half to conduct the research and draft our advice. Our fixed fee structure meant I was able to properly read the relevant legislation and prepare comprehensive advice to our client without fear of my time being ‘written down’ or being told that I was ‘taking too long’. We focus on quality, rather than chargeable hours, and being able to deliver the best results for our clients.
I can’t wait for time to continue flying and to continue not recording it.
Juhi Mirchandani